Introduction: VU Meter With LED Strip
Hi all,
For Christmas this year, I made simple decoration using LED Strip.
Hope this can inspired you .
Require parts :
- LED Strips
- Some Cables
- IC lm3915
- PNP Transistor, w/ rated current depend on your LED Strips
- Variable Resistor to adjust level and brightness
- some resistor
Step 1: The Basic Circuit
Before you use LM3915 for your purpose, it better to read the datasheet..
there you will get more information or schematic .
I build the circuit using protoboard PCB, please check this out
When I have checked the schematic and works, I will modify the circuit for my purpose.
Step 2: Modify the Circuit
revision history :
- adding Terminal block for input/output because it's universal and simple
- Replace fixed resistor with Variable resistor
- adding Transistor BD140
I am using Led Strips with 30 Leds on that, and it require around 520mA so I need transistor to handle that, and choose BD140 for that. BD140 can handle 1.5A and 80V.
Check this datasheet
For transistor schematic, do not put high resistor on base, I am using 20 Ohm for my board
Step 3: Harness
For Harness , I using LAN cable because it have 8 cores, so it make more quick and clean for the installation.
if I using single core cable , I need around 80 meters , but when using LAN cable , I just need 10 Meter.
Step 4: Test and Finishing
test the circuit to calibrate the level.
and enjoy !
Feel free to asking me about this project ^^
Thank you !