Introduction: Valentine's Day - Cutting/Cheese Board
The material here is for a board that is 14 inches by 4 1/4 inches
- Hardwoods used - All are 18 inches long and 7/8 inches thick
- Yellow heart 3 pcs of 3/4,3/8 and 7/16 wide
- Purple heart 2 pcs of 1 3/8 and 1/4 inch
- walnut 3 pcs total two of 1/4 and one 7/16
- food safe wood glue
planer - I have a 12 inch power plane
sanding discs, 100,180, 220 grit
mineral oil
1 inch mortising bit or hole saw
drill press
computer with printer
plunge router with 1/4 inch round bit
Step 1: Building the Board
Cut the wood strips that you want to glue together and build a cutting board by gluing the pcs together in the form that you are looking for. I wont go through too much detail for this step and some of these pics are for illustration only as there are a lot of other ible's that talk about how to get to this stage. i.e. building a cutting board.
A couple of things about building the board. I prefer to use a bandsaw rather than a table saw as I feel more comfortable using it and I can cut long strips of 1/16 inch with only sacrificing 1/16 inch of kerf. This needs a lot of practice and a good fence and a proper tune up of the saw. The table saw I have doesn't feel safe to me... ok I'm being a woos :-)
The board I built was lateral grain as opposed to an edge grain. The reason is that cutting an insert (like a heart) into a lateral grain board is much cleaner and probably easier as well. Also, depending on how good your power planer is you may get away with much less sanding if you use the lateral grain pieces.
I love the yellow heart but the purple heart will go brown over time if exposed to light. So keep the board in a closed place.
Step 2: Making the Heart and Finishing It
Print out a heart using a computer program or just draw like I did. A good way to fold a piece of paper and draw half of the heart. Cut the heart as the paper is folded, this way it will be symmetric. I know most crafty 6 yr old girls know this but I thought I'd add this step.
select a spot where you would like to cut the heart and trace it on to the board. I selected a spot on the edge of teh board so just in case it messed up, I could cut 2.5 inches of the side and still have lots of board to make another one.
Use a mortising bit or hole saw with the drill press to drill the 2 curves of the heart. I used a 1 inch mortising bit. Try to make it as symmetric as possible.
To cut the "V" part of the heart. I used my Fein multipurpose too with a wood cutting attachment. This part can get tricky but I guess if you own the tool, you know how to use it.
TIP: make a heart in softwood or other pieces and practice before you do the work piece. My first heart in softwood was sooo much better
Use the 1/4 inch rounding bit and round the edges of the heart on both sides. sand away
Step 3: Finish It Up
The board is basically done. I finished it with mineral oil. 3 coats were good. You can check out my Paint and Finish Drying Rack ible. It will save you time as you can do both sides at the same time and will not leave any marks, and dries really well.
To present, you could put a bunch of chocolates on it. Oh ya, don't forget to give it to your valentine.
Don't forget to vote and be safe with power tools and band saws and scissors and ... Enjoy!!