Introduction: Very Easy Coat Rack
This is very easy coat rack to build especially for kids!!
Step 1: Materials and Easy Steps!!
This is my very first woodworking project so went easy!! I built a basic coat rack using a 4x4 and feet made out of 2x2!! These are the materials you need!!
1. 4x4x4- I bought a 4x4x8 and got homedepot to split it in half for me!! Will use the other half on a different project!!
2. 2x2x8- I cut that in 2 feet sections so got 4 sturdy feet out of it!! U can cut them shorter if you like!!
3. Basic 3" wood screws!!
4. Shaker pegs I bought them from HD but I would suggest Amazon as they have better qty for the same price!! Just look for shaker pegs!!
5. I cut 45 degrees using my miter saw on both sides of the 2x2x2 so they can be flush with the 4x4, then drive the screws through it and your done!! I also put a dab of gorilla glue around where the feet meets the 4x4 for sturdiness!!
6. Use the drill to make holes however way u want them, I staggered them around and then insert the pegs inside with some super glue, wood glue or I used a dab of gorilla glue!!
7. Now you can paint it any color you want!!
1. 4x4x4- I bought a 4x4x8 and got homedepot to split it in half for me!! Will use the other half on a different project!!
2. 2x2x8- I cut that in 2 feet sections so got 4 sturdy feet out of it!! U can cut them shorter if you like!!
3. Basic 3" wood screws!!
4. Shaker pegs I bought them from HD but I would suggest Amazon as they have better qty for the same price!! Just look for shaker pegs!!
5. I cut 45 degrees using my miter saw on both sides of the 2x2x2 so they can be flush with the 4x4, then drive the screws through it and your done!! I also put a dab of gorilla glue around where the feet meets the 4x4 for sturdiness!!
6. Use the drill to make holes however way u want them, I staggered them around and then insert the pegs inside with some super glue, wood glue or I used a dab of gorilla glue!!
7. Now you can paint it any color you want!!