Introduction: Viper Paracord Bracelet
Make a Viper Paracord Bracelet, You will need about 10 feet of paracord, and a paracord buckle. I you want to make a 2 color paracord bracelet, melt the ends of paracord together. Then attach the paracord to the buckles. Learn How to sell Paracord Bracelets.
Step 1: Viper Paracord Bracelet - 1
With the first piece of paracord, the one you want to be the main color. Bring it across, and in between the 2 center pieces of paracord. Then with the second piece of paracord, wrap around the tail of the first piece of paracord, then in between the center pieces of paracord, and pull it tight.
Step 2: Viper Paracord Bracelet - 2
Again with the first piece of paracord, bring it across in between the two center pieces of paracord. Then with the 2nd piece of paracord, wrap around the end of the first piece of paracord, then in between the center pieces of paracord. Remember to pull the tight evenly.
Step 3: Viper Paracord Bracelet - 3
Keep braiding, Take the 1st piece of paracord, bring it across in between the two center pieces of paracord.
Then with the 2nd piece of paracord, wrap around the end of the first piece of paracord, then in between the center pieces of paracord. Remember to pull the tight evenly.
Step 4: Viper Paracord Bracelet - 4
Keep braiding until you reach the other buckle, once you get to the end. Cut the paracord ends, and melt them with a lighter.
Step 5: Viper Paracord Bracelet - 5
Now your Viper Paracord Bracelet is completed. You can make it with one or 2 colors of paracord, you can even make it with tactical cord. Check out more Paracord Projects, and see other Paracord Bracelet Patterns.