Introduction: Virtually Free Light Tent for Small Product Photography

There are plenty of ibles out there on how to create your own light tent.
Why write another one? :)

Of course, you can build your own light box out of very inexpensive items available at hardware or department store. But what if you could make it out of items available at home at no cost?

If you ever need to shoot something for your blog during holidays at your friends/parents place miles away from your photo equipment here is what you can do...

Step 1: Household Items Needed

What you need:

2 table lamps
leaf of white paper (use other colors if needed)
white cloth

Step 2: Take Action

Put stool on table upside-down.
Fix leaf of paper with pushpins.
Cover stool with white cloth.
Direct lamps to sides and top of the set.
Place your object.
Enjoy :)