Introduction: Voice Controlled Robot

This instructable was created in fulfillment of the project requirement of the Makecourse at the University of South Florida ( This project is a robot that can be controlled by giving voice commands to the robot.The robot has many features that will be explained in the instructable. All the steps how to create this robot will be explained at the following steps.

Step 1: Components Needed

Electronic components needed in this project

1- Arduino uno

2-Voice recognization module

3-Arduino Servo

4- Two DC Motors

5-Arduino Distance Sensor

6- Two Resistors and wires

7-9v Battery

8- Two LEDS

Step 2: Recording the Voice Commands

In this step, we have to record voice commands to the voice recognization module in order to communicate with the reboot. Voice recognization module can store up to 15 voice commands (5 in each group) and the commands can be stored by using software in windows called AccessPort.

Now, we have to connect the arduino with the voice recognization module as follow:

-Module Vcc to Arduino 5V Module

-GND to Arduino GND Module

-RX to Arduino RX

-Module TX to Arduino TX

Then we have to connect the arduino with the laptop and open the AccessPort software to start recording the voice commands by sending the following hexadecimal commands:

Delete Group 1 - send hex AA 01

Delete Group 2 - send hex AA 02

Delete Group 3 - send hex AA 03

Delete All Groups - send hex AA 04

Record Group 1 - send hex AA 11

Record Group 2 - send hex AA 12

Record Group 3 - send hex AA 13

Import Group 1 - send hex AA 21

Import Group 2 - send hex AA 22

Import Group 3 - send hex AA 23

In my project, I have recored many voice commands like "forward" "turn right" "stop"

Step 3: Circuit Schematic

In this step, we have to connect all the electronic components with the arduino as it is explained in the above circuit schematic

Step 4: The Code

This is the code that I used to control my robot. In my code I used 10 voice commands to control my robot by using a loop to move from group 1 to group 2 in the voice recognition module. All the functions of the electronic components are commented and explained in the code.

Step 5: 3D Design and Print

For the 3d design of my project, I used Autodesk Inventor software in windows to design the outer case and the mechanical parts like the arm and the gripper. Then I printed all parts by using a 3d printer and put them together

Step 6: How the Robot Works:

Finally this is the video that I have created to show the features of each electronic components and how my project works.