About: hi i enjoy making ludicrisly over the top and complex devices.... Being an ameture engineer, I refuse pick the easy option, but rather the one that seems best, which inevitably devolves into a weekend of hacki…
howdy everyone! this instructable is actually the culmination of many past projects of mine, however they have all been used together to do something really cool! basically its a cannon that you can control over the web through a google site apps script, so without further ado, let us begin BTW Please watch the video, it explains it all :)

Step 1: The Cannon

in order to get the best result ive designed a custom valve system that is pneumatically actuated the details to the construction of this cannon can be found in this other instructable of mine :

Step 2: The Control Electronics

ok, so the electronics were recycled from another project of mine, i was building a light sequencer for the holidays to out do the neighbors in Christmas decorations but it worked fine for my purpose of switching a solenoid valve heres a video if you curious to know what this thing is capable of

Step 3: The Software

the software comes from another one of my previous instructables found here: