Introduction: WIFI Controlled Mood Light
This is a WIFI controlled mood light I designed and made!
The diameter is 10cm and the height is 19cm.
I designed it for the "LED STRIP speed challenge".
This moodlight can be controlled via internet on any device within your local network!
I hope you like it too! And don't feel afraid to ask a question if you can't get yours to work.
The supplies you will need to make this mood lamp are
- a LED strip (about 40 cm) (I used the ws2811 LED strip)
- an ESP8266
- acces to a 3D printer and soldering tools
- a 5 or 12 Volt adapter (voltage depends on what kind of LED strip you're using)
- about 7 m3 bolt(with a length of 10mm)
Step 1: 3D Printing the Components
You will only need to 3D print 3 components!
The base, the led holder and the top part. I printed them in PLA but you can also use other materials.
Do make sure to print the top in vase mode (it's called "spiralize outer contour" in Cura) And disable support.
If it doesn't stick to the bed well enough you can also enable a small brim around the model.
To get the best results its better to print the top part in white. The other parts can be printed in whatever color you like.
Step 2: Mounting the LED's and Preparing the Electronics
Mounting the LED strip
Wrap the ledstrip around the LED holder. Make sure have the right end of the LED strip at the bottem. The arrows on the ledstrip should point away from the bottem and toward the end of the LED strip.
Glue the LED strip to the holder using superglue or hot glue or anything which will hold it in place.
Soldering the LED strip and the power supply
This is really simple. The data pin on the ledstrip goes directly to digital pin 4.
Connect the GROUND of the power supply to the GROUND of the ESP and the LED strip.
Then connect the 12 Volts of the power supply to VIN on the ESP and the 12V on the LED strip.
Mounting the ESP and the LED strip holder to the base
The base has 4 holes with which you can mount the ESP to the base using m3 bolts.
The base also has 3 holes for the led holder. This one is also mounted to the base with m3 bolts.
Mounting the white top to the base
You can just screw the top into the base. They both have threads.
Step 3: Uploading the Software
Download the ESP code and change a few things in the code to match with your LED strip.
Change the number of addressable LED on line 5.
Change your WIFI details on line 14 & 15.
If your LED strip swaps green and red then change the order of letters in "RGB" on line 94.
Change the LED strip type if it flickers or doesn't work at all, change "ws2812" to your LED strip type.
Step 4: Control Your Mood Light
Once you've uploaded the code and the ESP is able to connect to WIFI it will send an IP-address.
On this IP-address you can control your mood light. You can open this link on your phone, laptop or computer. But those devices have to be connected to the same network.
With effect speed you can change the speed of the current effect, for "fade" this will result in a faster change of colors.
With brightness you just change the brightness and with modus you can choose a different color pattern.
Some color patterns don't seem that different if you're using a very short LED strip.
When you press "Save" the mood light is updated and shows the new modus.