Introduction: DIY Glowboard Using Bluetooth an Arduino and Some WS2812B LED
Hey this is my first Instructable but i am german so my english is not the best :D .
So i have searched for an Instructable like i make now for more than an month but i dont find an so i have maked my own Circuit and skript.
Please Enjoy.
Step 1: The Parts
For this project you will need:
1. An phone with bluetooth and an Bluetooth Terminal app
2. Arduino (I use a Arduino Nano)
3. An HC-06 bluetooth modul with breakout board
4. Jumper wires
5. WS2811 or WS2812b LEDs on strip (But you can also use some Leds and solder them together)
6. An Longboard
7. An Power Source ( first I used an Pb accu but it was to heavy so i used an Powerbank)
Maybe a Soldering Iron and Solder
An PC to upload the Code + Cable for the Arduino
2 Hands
Step 2: Connect All Components
Step 3: Upload the Code to the Arduino
I made an example code for your first steps with the LED strip and the Bluetooth module.
Her are the Controls
o - Off
b - Blue
g - Green
r - Red
a - Rainbow
m - An mix from all , but be carful because it takes a long time.
For any Questions please use the comment section.
Step 4: FAQ
For any Questions please use the comment section
Oh btw if you like my instructable please vote for it ;)