Introduction: Wake-up Window
Many people have problems with getting out of bed in the morning. Often waking up by the annoying sound of an alarm clock. With this instructable I want to show you how you can make a fake window with which waking up may become a bit easier.
This window is also connected with a temperature sensor, a luxsensor and a humidity sensor.
This project is a schoolproject which I made within 3 weeks.
HOWEST NMCT project1 schoolyear 2018-2019
NOTE: This is a prototype and in no way a perfect product. I will throughout the article make comments on what is not complete yet and can be made better. WCBB (what can be better).
The materials I used are:
-Second hand cabinet with a glass door.
(You can find new ones at IKEA.)
-Cheap curtain
-PU cardboard (5mm)
- soldering iron and solder
The electronics are:
-BME280 weather sensor
- TSL2561 Luminosity Sensor
-IKEA led strip in white and RGB
-Arduino + cable
-Raspberry Pi + cable + 16GB microSD
-Lots of cables
-4x BC337 transistors
-2x16 lcd
-Level shifter
Step 1: Connect All of the Electronics
Follow the schematic diagram to correctly connect al of the electronic components. After that you can upload the arduino and python code.
I advise to test the leds seperate from the other electronics in order to prevent broken components.
Then test al the components together.
WCBB: In my version I use serial communication between the Raspberry Pi and the Arduino. It would be better if there was wireless communication between them. Then the sensors could be placed outside for acurate readings.
Step 2: Making Your 'window'
I like to use second
hand product for my projects. It is better for the environment and cheaper.
Paint your 'window' in the same color as the other windows in your house in order to make it seem more natural in the room.
For outside components (like the display) I used PU (5mm) cardboard. It is light and easy to cut with a knife.
WCBB: If you find or make a wooden window it would be better to make a hole for the display and not to make it a component that is hanging on the window. It will make the window more finished.
Make a hole (40mm) in either side of the window to put all your cables through. If your lcd is hanging on the outside of the window make sure that you put it on the side of the hinges in order to have less trouble with the cables.
Step 3: Electronics in Your Window
Put your setup in your cabinet. Be sure to first pull al the cables though the holes.
I start with adhering the leds to the back with double sided tape. Use some tape to stick the lose hanging cables to the sides.
Test your circuit before adhering your components to the inside of the cabinet.
Step 4: Finish It
Make sure everything is secured. Put a sheet of PU cardboard to hide your cablemess.
At the very end add the curtain to diffuse the light and make the illution of a window complete.