Introduction: Warm Packet for the Cold

For when you are outside and you are cold, you can use this easy tutorial on how to make a hot packet with supplies you normally already have at your house. You can also attach the hot packet to your coat and be warm while skiing or other activities outside in the cold, on the go.


  • Road Salt or Calcium Chloride
  • Water
  • Snack-size Ziploc bag
  • Quart-size Ziploc bag
  • Oats (Optional)

Step 1: Water in Small Ziploc Bag

Pour 100ml of water into the snack-size Ziploc bag. Seal the bag very tight so water won't come out.

Step 2: Put the Rock Salt In

Then add 2 tablespoon of the road salt or Calcium Chloride to the quart-sized bag. Put the snack-size Ziploc bag in the quart-sized bag.

Step 3: Add Oats

Put the snack-size Ziploc bag in the quart-sized bag. Fill the rest of the bag with oats (Optional) to make it warm for even longer. Seal the quart-sized bag very tightly.

Step 4: Use and Enjoy:)

Finally when you want the hot pack to be hot squeeze the bag until the water comes out. Make sure it is properly sealed and mixed properly, then enjoy!

Cold Challenge

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Cold Challenge