Introduction: Water Level Indicator Using Arduino in TinkerCad
This article is about a fully functional water level controller using Arduino. The circuit displays the level of water in the tank and switches the motor ON when the water level goes below a predetermined level. The circuit automatically switches the motor OFF when the tank is full. A beep sound is generated when the level in the tank is full.
Step 1: Components You Need:
You will need the following materials for making your own Water Level Indicator:
1. Arduino UNO or nano
2. Breadboard
3. LED's
4. Motor pump
5. Jumper wires
6. Buzzer
7. Resistor (220 ohms)
Step 2: Circuit Diagram:
I have used 4 LEDs for 4 different levels.
1. Green led is connected with pin 2 indicating the level 1 and pump will start automatically at level 1
2. Orange led is connected with pin 3 indicating the level 2
3. Yellow led is connected with pin 4 indicating the level 3
4. Red led is connected with pin 5 indicating the level 4 and buzzer is also connected along with level 4 which means the tank is full.
At level 4 all the 4 less will glow , the buzzer will also beep and the pump will stop automatically
Step 3: Code:
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