Introduction: Water Level Indicator With SMS

About: Master in Electronics Engineering

Today I am going to talk about a very useful project . It is called the Water Level Indicator with SMS notification. Everybody has overhead tank at their homes. The problem is that there is no system to track the water in the tank. Then there come a secondary problem that is when their water pump is started they have no idea when it gets filled up and sometimes there are situation where the pump keeps on pumping water to the tank and the water starts spilling out from the tank. There is wastage of energy as well as wastage of water. So this system is very useful to detect the water level. It is also useful for tall buildings where it is not possible to check the water level.

Let's get started.

Step 1: Components

1. Atmega328

2. Arduino Uno

3. Switch x1

4. Crystal Oscillator x1

5. 10uf capacitor x2

6. BC547 npn transistor x4

7. Resistor 1k x5

8. Resistor 100 x8

9. PCB x1

10. LM7805 5volt regulator

11. LM7812 12volt regulator

12. Capacitor 22uf x2

13. Solar Pannel 20v

14. Heat Sink x1

15. Wires

16. GSM modem 800H or 900A

Step 2: Connections & Making PCB

Make the connections of transistors with Resistors on the breadboard as shown in the ckt diagram check the output. Output will be greater than 3 volt to send the logic HIGH to the arduino.

Mount the resistors and transistors on the pcb.

Mount the 28 pin ic socket on pcb.

We are making standalone arduino.

Solder the crystal oscillator along with 22uf capacitors.

Connect outputs of the transistors to the analog pins o the IC refer to the pin diagram of the ic.

Make connection of the voltage regulator properly with capacitors.

Heat sink must be attached to the 7812 voltage regulator as the GSM modem draws more current from it.

Solar pannel connected to the input of the 7812 ic.

Solder all the components as in the ckt diagram on pcb. Check the connections.

Step 3: Programming

Connect your arduino UNO to your PC wiyh ic atmega328 in it.

Burn the following Code into your arduino.

int a=0;
int b=0;

int c=0;

int d=0;

void setup()

{ pinMode(A1,INPUT);






void loop()

{ int r=digitalRead(A4);

int s=digitalRead(A0);

int t=digitalRead(A1);

int u=digitalRead(A2);

if(r==HIGH && s==LOW && t==LOW && u==LOW)

{ if(a==0)

{ Serial.println("AT+CMGF=1");


Serial.println("AT+CMGS=\"your no.\"");//Change the receiver phone number delay(500);

Serial.print("Level 1 Turn on the Motor "); //the message you want to send




a++; b=0; c=0; d=0;



if(r==HIGH && s==HIGH && t==LOW && u==LOW)

{ if(b==0)

{ Serial.println("AT+CMGF=1");


Serial.println("AT+CMGS=\"your no.\"");//Change the receiver phone number


Serial.print("Water at Level 2 ");

//the message you want to send




b++; a=0; c=0; d=0;

} }

if(r==HIGH && s==HIGH && t==HIGH && u==LOW) { if(c==0)

{ Serial.println("AT+CMGF=1");


Serial.println("AT+CMGS=\"your no.\"");//Change the receiver phone number delay(500);

Serial.print("Water at Level 3 "); //the message you want to send




c++; b=0; d=0; a=0; } }

if(r==HIGH && s==HIGH && t==HIGH && u==HIGH)

{ if(d==0) { Serial.println("AT+CMGF=1");


Serial.println("AT+CMGS=\"your no.\"");//Change the receiver phone number


Serial.print("Tank Full Switch off Motor "); //the message you want to send




d++; c=0; b=0; a=0;

} }


{ Serial.print("Circuit Not Connected");



Now Remove the ic & install it into the pcb.

Step 4: Assembling & Test

Take a PVC pipe having height equal to your water tank.

Stick the wires from the ckt at different levels of the tank.

Note that the Vcc wire always dipped into water.

Make all the Connections.

Connect Rx of ic which is on pin 2 to the Tx of the GSM modem.

Connect Tx of ic which is on pin 3 to the Rx of the GSM modem.

Connect the solar pannel to input of 7812 ic.

Check all Connections And the Project is ready.

Make shed for the system to protect it from rain.

Test It!

When you conserve water, you conserve life!

Water = Life, Conservation = Future!