Introduction: Water Bottle - Drinking Bowl
A simple solution to walking the dogs in an area with no water points.Basically two soda bottles one cut,in half lengthways.It then clips over the other.I sewed up a simple carrier and hey presto the dogs get that much needed drink of water on their walk.
So all you need is two,2 litre bottles a cutter knife,some webbing,a quick release buckle a sewing machine and about 20 minutes.This is my first post here so lets hope i get all the steps down.
So all you need is two,2 litre bottles a cutter knife,some webbing,a quick release buckle a sewing machine and about 20 minutes.This is my first post here so lets hope i get all the steps down.
Step 1: Tools and Materials
all you need is two,2 litre bottles a cutter knife,some webbing,a quick release buckle a sewing machine and about 20 minutes.
Step 2: Cutting the Bowl
Cut the two litre bottle lengthways,about midpoint.You'll have to cut out the screw top at the neck so that it can fit over the other bottle.The bottom of the bottle has a hard bit,just trim around it,it will still clip over the other bottle.
Step 3: Bottle Carrier
Basically a bottle holster,I attached a Quick release adjustable buckle in the shoulder strap.
Step 4: Walking the Dog
The easy part fill the bottle,walk the dog and when it's thirsty rehydrate and admire your handiwork.