Introduction: Water Pipeline Dan Cocacola Table Lamp

About: I'm worry about my earth, so many plastics spread out in my sorounding, although still usable, but people don't care. By this sites and this program, let us save the earth. Bambang PE,…
Reused water pipeline and recycle cocacola bottle, can be connected with the pvc pipe. This is the nice and contemporer lamps, the alternativ lamp, make your room more interesting and different fronm another.
Bambang PE, Bogor - Indonesia

Step 1: Collect Reused Water Pipeline,recycle Cocacola Bothe, Cable, Fitting, Knee Pvc,pvc Pipe,boxes

Step 2: Cut Cocacola Botle Make Lampshade,prepare Fitting Put Inside the Pipe, and the Cable Knee.

Step 3: Connect the Cable With Fitting, and Put Inside Into the Water Pipeline and the Cable Knee.

Step 4: Connect Fitting, Knee Cable, Water Pipeline, and Box for Base, Put the Bottle As Lampshade on the Fitting.

Step 5: The Last Step Is Conecting All the Part, and Strengthen With Palctic Glue.