Introduction: Waterproof Camping Fire Straws!
Warning: I am not liable for injuries using the lighter. Try at your own risk. This project should not be done without adult supervision.
Step 1: Materials
• pliers
• straws
• scissors
• lighter
• drier lint or cotton balls work best ( can use petroleum jelly)
• straws
• scissors
• lighter
• drier lint or cotton balls work best ( can use petroleum jelly)
Step 2: Cut Straw
Cut straw to about 2 inches
Step 3: Fusing
Take pliers and hold straw about 1.5 mm from end and use lighter to fuse ends together
Step 4: Stuffing
Stuff fused straw with desired flammable material
Step 5: Final Fusing
Stuff flammable material way back into the straw so it will not ignite during fusing. Finally fuse the end to reveal final product!