Introduction: Weather Sensors
My name is Amanda Lutshetu.I am a new member of instructables, I am very glad to be sharing my project with you guys and hoping that I will learn a lot from you, too.
Now let us go straight to business!
The name of my project is Weather sensors, I named it this way because the components connected to assemble the XinaBox XK01 kit are weather sensors.Their function is to sense weather and collect data accordingly.
Before we go on about planning and completing the experiment, I need you to first assemble your XinaBox kit. To get that done please follow the assembly steps on this website
Once you get to this website please click to the search bar on the top right and type in "Getting started XK01".
This website will show you the steps to follow and make assembling this kit very clear!
Step 1: Planning the Experiment
The first step after assembling and configuring the device is to plan the entire experiment.This helps you understand your progress. It also helps you to work quickly and effectively because you will know which step follows which and how they fit together .
Please see the plan I have drafted for this particular project (attached).
XinaBox Project "The Relationship between Natural light and Temperature" P1001
Equipment required: XinaBox XK01
Ages: 8 and older
Project duration: 2 hours
Location: Around school, open environment and outside
Subjects: Mathematics, Physics, Geography, Basics of electronics and IoT (XinaBox), English composition
Desired outcome: Written report or presentation of findings
-Is there a correlation between natural light intensity and temperature?
-Does the same relationship exist with artificial light intensity and temperature?
-Understanding the relationship between natural light intensity and temperature
-Understanding why and how objects heat up in natural light.
-Understanding the difference between full sun and shade from trees or roofs
-Understanding the difference between natural light and artificial light
-Identifying which data to collect to answer the questions being posed
-Identifying different locations that will allow for variations in data to be observed
-Assembling the XinaBox kit, collecting data, using dashboard for data analysis
-Report writing
-Planning a project towards a desired outcome
-Answering questions as posed
-Linking theory of light with data collected to explain the theory
-Understanding nature, laws of nature, how they impact our lives
.Effective communication
Step 2: Written Report
You will also have to write a report at the end of the experiment with your findings.
This attached is my report.You are free to look at it. Please correct me if I have made any mistakes or grammar errors. Your recommendations and suggestions are also encouraged.
XinaBox Project "The Relationship between Natural light and Temperature" P1001
Equipment required: XinaBox XK01
Ages: 8 and older
Project duration: 2 hours
Location: Around school, open environment and outside
Subjects: Mathematics, Physics, Geography, Basics of electronics and IoT (XinaBox), English composition
Desired outcome: Written report or presentation of findings
-The relationship between natural light and temperature is directly proportional, the temperature will increase with an increase in natural light and decrease when it decreases.
-This experiment is conducted to:
.Find out if there is any correlation between natural light and temperature.
.Identify the difference between natural light and artificial light.
.Test the learner's ability to collect, analyze and interpret data using the XinaBox kit.
.Yes, there is an indirect relationship between natural light intensity and temperature.
.Gay Lussac's law states that pressure is directly proportional to temperature. When photons of light reach the ground they have a photothermal effect, they excite atoms on the surface and this results in heat.
-After following the steps on assembling the XK01 kit which uses the OD01, CW01, SL01, SW01 I used it to collect data.
-I went on and created graphs with this data on a dashboard using Kibana. Graphs help to compare the relationship and easily read information.
-After visualizing the graphs and saving them on my dashboard, I read the information demonstrated by the graphs, interpreted it in theory, and came up with all the answers and conclusion given by this report.
-OLED display, USB power and programming unit, WiFi, temperature, natural light.
-With all the information mentioned above, we can safely conclude that natural light and temperature do have a relationship.
-The relationship is not directly proportional but "slightly" proportional.
-We say it is slightly proportional because temperature does increase with an increase in natural light intensity, but temperature can remain constant for a certain short period of time while light intensity increases with time.
-Our graphs also show this relationship between the two.
-You will also see that the two graphs "UVI vs Temperature under a shade" decrease drastically under a shade. This is because there is less light in shady areas and temperature also decreases.
-On the next step, entitled "Graphs", I have shown a variation of graphs, comparing "UVA and UVB" and "UVB and Temperature" both in the sunlight and on the shade, humidity and temperature also both under a shade a in a light (Please see the graphs in the next step).
Step 3: Graphs
I have attached my graphs in this step so that you can see what my abstract on the report is about.
These graph demonstrate that natural light and temperature have a relationship and are dependent on each other.They also show that both natural light and temperature decrease drastically in shady areas.
-In the sunlight, temperature is proportional to the ultraviolet rays, this means that as the light intensity increases, temperature increases.
-UVA and UVB are both forms of UV rays but they have a few differences. I collected data for both of them in order to compare these differences. The first difference you will notice (On the graph attached) is that UVA rays tend to be less intense than UVB rays but they are far more prevalent, comprising about 95% of the UV radiation that penetrates the earth's atmosphere. While it is true that UVA does not cause sunburns but it is now clearly recognized as increasing the risk of skin cancer.
-Relative humidity does not tell how much water is actually in the air. Air is said to be 'saturated' or full if relative humidity is 100%.Relative humidity is inversely proportional to the air temperature. This means that if the temperature increases, relative humidity decreases and vice versa.