Introduction: Weaving a Pom Pom Mat
My mother taught me to weave on a frame. I tried a 12 " x 12 " size Pom Pom mat which you can see in the pictures above.
Please go through the steps to see how to weave this mat on frame
Step 1: Materials
- One bundle of Sea green color yarn
- One bundle of Peach colored yarn
- A weaving frame for 12 " x 12" size mat
Step 2: Start Warping Sea Green Yarn
The frame has nails at half an inch distance between them. I will weave the mat with one inch distance in between. So I will leave one nail at center without yarn
- Start with sea green colored yarn
- Tie yarn at corner nail and thread over the first nail
- Take it to the other side, turn over first and through 5th nail and bring it back
- Warp 5 layers like this leaving 3 nails in between on both sides
Step 3: Warp Peach Colored Yarn
- Tie one end of peach colored yarn at the corner nail
- Start warping the yarn through the center nail between sea green yarn
- Continue on both sides and warp six layers
Both the sea green and peach colored layers above are base layers
Step 4: Warp More Layers
Now warp additional layers as below
- 3 layers of sea green
- 3 layers of Peach
- 3 layers of sea green
- 3 layers of peach (Final layer)
Step 5: Make Knots
- Take sea green yarn in a plastic needle and start from one end and make cross knots as below
- Keep tied end of yarn in your hand and Insert the needle on top right square and bring it up through bottom left
- Twist the yarn in your hand and bring the needle through the twist
- Tightening the twist will make one knot
- Repeat by inserting needle through bottom right and bring it up through top left
- Twist yarn in hand and bring needle through the twist
- Tighten the yarn and make the second knot.Now a cross knot is formed the junction
- Continue and make cross knots at all junction points
The last two pictures show the front and back of the knotted mat in the frame
Step 6: Cut and Make Pom Poms
We need to cut all yarn layers above the base layer at middle of junction points
- using a pair of scissors cut all top layers at the center point
- Make sure you are not cutting any yarn in the base layer. You can also use the needle to lift the top layers by inserting it between them
Step 7: Remove Mat From Frame
- Using scissors, cut yarn over the frame between the nails and remove mat from frame
Step 8: Trim Edges and Finish
- Trim extra yarn at edges uniformly and finish
You can see the completed Pom Pom mat in the last picture