Introduction: Weekend Project: a Forest Dragon

About: I'm here !

Base on a paper model free downloaded from Furukawa21 website, I made a forest dragon from 0.6 mm brass sheet.

So, what you need to do it ?

- A jeweler's saw.

- 0.4 - 0.5 mm brass sheet (format A4)

- Pliers for folding

- Gas torch for annealing brass.

- Hammer and some custom punches from nails.

1. Download pattern from the page, print and glue on the brass sheet.

2. Cut the pattern out with jeweler's saw.

3. Use hammer and punches to give texture to your dragon.

4. Use pliers for folding the mountain and valley fold as show in the instruction of the model (use gas torch to soften the folds before folding).

5. Retouch, give your dragon a patina if needed.

Hope you enjoy it and thanks for reading.