Introduction: Weeping Angel Dr. Who

This Halloween my 15 yr. old daughter wanted to be a Weeping Angel from popular show Dr. Who....(inspiration first picture)
Here's the summarized instruction of how we did it.

1. We bought the dress from Goodwill...I put elestic around the waist since it was too big for her...
then...we bought the ring from craft store...Hobby Lobby enough to fit her...attached the ring at the bottom of her dress...made small wrinkly stiches.....and spray paint it gray... 

2. We cut up the styro foam board and made a paper mache wings...sorry I forgot to take picture...and attahced it to backpack...
made a hole in back of her she can carry the wings...

3. we bought a mask at craft store...paper mache to make it look a little scary ( we used flour and water for paper mache)....spary paint it....

4. The hair was made of yarn...we cut the panty hose and use the crotch to form her head and hot glue gun it..while wearing the is hot...OUCH! can have the person wear baseball cup under so it will not be too daughter was wearing a shower cup under the panty house crotch.

5. her arms...we didn't have money to spray paint her the legs for the panty hose we use it for her arms...sprayed paint gray and i cut and sewed accordingly to her fingers....glued fake nails and paint it gray nail polish. You can do the same thing for the feet. But since we didnt have enough time to do it...we were not able to do her toes....we did this in the matter of overnight...