Introduction: DIY Bedside Table!

Take one of the locker shelves, open it and position it where you would like it in your room. You can tape it down like I did with tape, or you can use duct tape. I think using tape is better because it is clear, and easy to work with. Also, it shouldn't damage your floor, where duct tape might remove colour or texture.

Step 1: 1st Locker Shelf

Take one of the locker shelves, open it and position it where you would like it in your room. You can tape it down like I did with tape, or you can use duct tape. I think using tape is better because it is clear, and easy to work with. Also, it shouldn't damage your floor, where duct tape might remove colour or texture.

Step 2: Almost Done! 2nd Locker Shelf...

Take your second locker shelf and align it with the top of the bottom shelf. Tape down the legs of the top shelf with the top of the bottom shelf. If I sound confusing, you can check out the picture ;P Make sure your bedside table is sturdy by shaking it with your hand.

Step 3: There You Have It! a DIY Bedside Table!

I hope you enjoyed this short and simple DIY, and I hope you decide to make it :) Thanks for reading this instructable!