Introduction: What Is the Best Type of Cutting Board?

About: I am married with two children. Spring, summer, and fall are my very favorite times of the year. I enjoy working in the yard, sewing, cooking, quilting, gardening, and creating. I do this to keep my sanity.
Several years ago I got very ill from  food poisoning.  Since then I have researched the ways you can get sick from food. This Instructable will share a few things that I have learned about cutting boards. 

Step 1: Wood and Glass Cutting Boards

Wood cutting boards are not very safe. Wood is very porous which makes a breeding area for bacteria. Occasionally I will use my wood cutting board but never for meat.  I like the look of wood in pictures so I do use it for picture purposes. Wood cutting boards washed in a dishwasher dries and cracks the wood making them even more susceptible to bacteria.  Glass cutting boards are hard on knives and they are dangerous if they break.  It would be terrible if glass got into the food and someone ingested it.  I remember my mother-in-law had a large glass cutting board.  I took it out of the kitchen because I was afraid she was going to get hurt because of her age. 

Step 2: Acrylic and Plastic Cutting Boards

Synthetic are the best choices to use when preparing food.  These cutting boards are safer because they can be washed in the dishwasher. It is best to use separate cutting boards for cheeses, meats, and produce to prevent cross contamination. If you don't have more than one cutting board; wash the board and knife between each process. Plastic boards are a little harder on your knives but in my opinion my health is more important than replacing a knife.  

Step 3: Washing the Cutting Board

When choosing a cutting board choose one that can be washed in the dishwasher.  If you do not have a dishwasher wash them with soapy hot water and rinse well.  Never dry a cutting board with a kitchen towel.  Towels harbor bacteria.  A paper towel may be used if you must dry it right away.   Remember to wash your knives between each use as well.  I am not one that likes to use paper towels but sometimes using them can be a healthier alternative. 

Step 4: Sanitizing

It is important to occasionally sanitize your cutting boards.  Sanitize wood and plastic boards using a solution of 5% white vinegar with 4 parts water. You may use bleach but I prefer a more natural method. 

Step 5: Sunshiine's Final Thoughts

I hope this Instructable has been helpful to you. I have been fortunate over the years because I have only been sick once from food poisoning.  I am more cautious now because of that . I am careful to write the dates on opened jars; like mayonnaise and keeping my cutting boards clean and sanitized.  
Thank you for stopping by and please do have a splendorous day!