Introduction: What Is the BEST Glue for Sole Shoe Repair???
I’m sure you had your favorite shoes fall apart and you were wishing you could somehow glue them back together or fix them. There’s a lot of glue out there but you can try, but which one works the best. For years I’ve been trying different types of Glue and finally found one that will actually work. It is definitely not a epoxy, Or even shoe goo. 3M makes a glue for gaskets that works amazing. In the Instructable I show how to make this repair. Hope you find a Instructable useful
Step 1:
As you can see these sandals need to be fixed, let me show you how. We are going to use gasket glue which work very well!
Step 2: Glue
Apply the glue on the ribs until they all are covered
Step 3: Finished!!
Press the sole of the shoe down and let it sit for about 1 hour before using the shoes. Now your done!!