Introduction: What You Didn't Know About Recycle Bin!!

About: I post how to videos on youtube and run my own business on the side making hand crafted keychains, Jewelry and other items. One of my main goals in life is to help as many people as I can and just knowing tha…

This Instructable will show you some things that you probably didn't know about recycle bin

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Thanks :)

Step 1: It's Not Just for Deleting Stuff!!

You can actually access all the files and folders on your computer from the recycle bin

Step 2: Keyboard Shortcuts : Part 1

1. F5 or Fn + F5

  • Refresh

2. Alt + Up Arrow

  • Up to Desktop

- This will open the desktop folder

3. Alt + Left Arrow

  • Back

4. Alt + Right Arrow

  • Forward

5. Ctrl + A

  • Select All

- This will highlight everything in the recycle bin at once

- Comes in handy when you are trying to delete a lot of files at once

    6. Ctrl + X

    • Cut

    7. Ctrl + V

    • Paste

    8. Ctrl + Enter

    • Properties

    a) General

    - Type of file:

    - Opens with:

    - Location:

    - Size:

    - Size on disk:

    - Created:

    - Modified:

    - Accessed:

    - Attributes:

    - Change program it opens with

    - Advanced

    Step 3: Keyboard Shortcuts : Part 2

    b) Security

    c) Details

    • Description

    - Title

    - Subtitle

    - Rating

    - Tags

    - Comments

    • Video

    - Length

    - Frame width

    - Frame height

    - Data rate

    - Total bitrate

    - Frame rate

    • Audio

    - Bit rate

    - Channels

    - Audio sample rate

    • Media

    - Contributing artists

    - Year

    - Genre

    Step 4: Keyboard Shortcuts : Part 3

    • Origin

    - Directors

    - Producers

    - Writers

    - Publishers

    - Content provider

    - Media created

    - Encoded by

    - Author URL

    - Promotion URL

    - Copyright

    • Content

    - Parental rating

    - Parental rating reason

    - Composers

    - Conductors

    - Period

    - Mood

    - Part of set

    - Initial key

    - Beats-per-minute

    - Protected

    Step 5: Keyboard Shortcuts : Part 4

    • File

    - Name

    - Item type

    - Folder path

    - Size

    - Date created

    - Date Modified

    - Attributes

    - Availability

    - Offline status

    - Shared with

    - Owner

    - Computer

    - Details may differ depending on the file you have selected

    9. Ctrl + Shift + N

    • Create New Folder

    10. F2 or Fn + F2

    • Rename

    - Press the backspace or del key and type in the new name

    11. Ctrl + D

    • Delete

    12. Del

    • Delete

    13. Alt + P

    • Open/close preview pane

    - This allows you to preview your notes in recycle bin

    14. Alt + Shift + P

    • Open/close details pane

    - Shows you details about the file you have selected

    - Date taken:

    - Tags:

    - Rating:

    - Dimensions:

    Step 6: Keyboard Shortcuts : Part 5

    - Size:

    - Title:

    - Authors:

    - Comments:

    - Availability:

    - Camera maker

    - Camera model

    - Subject:

    - Date created:

    - Date Modified:

    - Details may differ depending on the file you have selected

    15. Ctrl + F1

    • Show/Minimize the Ribbon

    - File

    - Home

    - Share

    - View

    - Manage

    16. Ctrl + Shift + 6

    • Change to information view

    - Name of the file

    - Date taken

    - Type of file

    - Size

    - Length

    17. Ctrl + Shift + 2

    • Change to large thumbnail view

    18. Ctrl + N

    • Open New Window