Introduction: What's Inside? #2: Mini Vacuum Cleaner! (Salvaging Electronic Components)

About: I've been making Instructables since I was 13. Now, I mostly make videos of my projects, however I'm still active here, so don't hesitate to reach out! Sick with a deadly disease called DIY-itis!

This Is a cheap 12V vacuum cleaner that doesn't work anymore, Time to see what's inside!

Step 1: What I Found Inside:


Plastic Project Enclosure*

Small Spring

High Quality Switch*

The Fan Attachment That Sucks The Air

A Motor (obviously doesn't work because the vacuum stopped working)

* =Useful for a future project

Step 2: What Happened to the Motor?

I took apart the motor to see why It stopped working, It didn't take long to understand.

If you're interested in seeing what happened to the motor It is explained here

Do you like taking apart electronic devices? I've made a collection of a couple"What's Insides" If you're interested: