Introduction: WhatsApp Notifications From Home Assistant

About: Part software developer, part maker.

In my smart home setup with Home Assistant, I have several situations where I want to be notified about certain changes and conditions and since I already use WhatsApp, I wanted to set it up so I can get the notifications on it.

To send the notifications, I'm using a service called CallMeBot that is free but it can only send to a single number.


Step 1: Activate CallMeBot

To activate CallMeBot, you need to add its number as a contact in your phone and then send the following message to it: "I allow callmebot to send me messages"

This will cause it to send you an API key as well as a URL that you can use to trigger notifications to yourself.

Step 2: Set Up Home Assistant Notification Service

With the service activated, you then need to add it to Home Assistant. Inside your configuration.yaml file, set the following notify service:

# Example configuration.yaml entry 
- name: WhatsApp
platform: rest
source: HA
phone: +34123123123 #enter your phone number here
apikey: 456789 #enter your apikey here (see Setup above)

To get that it is working, you can go to Developer Tools -> Services, and trigger it from there with a test message.

Step 3: Set Up the Time Based Automation

The final step is to set up the automation that will trigger the notification. This automation can be based on anything you want and in my case I'm basing it on time.

The automation will run each day at 7:30 AM, check if the day is Monday and if it is, it will trigger the notification service to send out the notification message.

alias: Take out the trash notification
description: WhatsApp Message to take out the trash every Monday at 7:30 AM
 - platform: time
  at: "07:30:00"
 - condition: time
   - mon
 - service: notify.whatsapp
   message: It is time to take out the trash!
mode: single

Step 4: Enjoy!

And with that, I will never forget to take out the trash ever again!

If you are into home automation or electronics projects I have a lot more that you can check out in my Instructables and on my YouTube channel.