Introduction: Where to Download Pivot Stickfigure Animator.
Today is going to be a simple Instructable on where to download pivot.
Step 1: Opening the Browser.
To start off, you want to open your browser, and go to Google.
Step 2: Searching.
Now, type in 'download pivot' or something of the sort into the search bar. The website you want will either be the first or second link.
Step 3: Download.
Click on the 'Free Download' button to start your download.
Step 4: Download: Part 2.
A little window should pop up. Click the next button. Another window identical will pop up. Press the next button again.
Step 5: Installation.
The installation process will only take a couple of seconds. When it is done installing, press the finish button.
Step 6: Voilà !
After you install Pivot, it should be on your desktop. I moved mine into an appropriate spot.