Introduction: “Who Did This?”

In this instructable I describe how I reclaimed an item that was going to be thrown away… In fact I actually placed it in the trash, but returned to retrieve it after realizing its artistic value. The frame and background were also salvaged from rubbish piles.

Step 1:

Here is the main piece... Retrieved from the garbage,
flattened, and mounted.

Step 2:

I tried to describe the artwork as best I could…

Step 3:

The description was printed on cardstock, and mounted on a
pyramid of the background material. This not only showcased the physical complexity of the base, but it pressed the text against the glass, making it easier to read.

Step 4:

A piece of used plywood paneling was used to secure the
artwork in the frame.

Step 5:

Originally a photo of the artist was attached to the back of
the frame, but it was damaged by condensation from the garage freezer where this piece is displayed.