Introduction: Why Am I Different?

About: I'd like to take this chance and describe what is most important to me and why. I'm just like any other average school-goer. Taking classes, feeling the pressure of college, and realizing its not all that far …

What I made:

I made a short 90 second film, all drawing, editing, etc. was done on my own time, by myself. Its a video about how i feel personally on diversity, and how people are singles out for being different, when they shouldn't be afraid to be anything other than themselves.

How I made it:

I used experiences i had in my own life, as well as a bit of others, from what i've seen. As for how i created it, a good old fashioned pen and pencil was good enough for me, along with an editing software called final cut pro i used to put it all together.

Where I made it:

I made it whenever i had the time too, mainly at home at my desk, or anywhere in school i could get my hands on some free time with my laptop to edit

What did i learn:

I learned essentially how to be more aware of time, and set up a schedule of sorts, along with a personal deadline. I also bettered myself a bit, at drawing, if that counts.

Why i made it:

Originally i had made this simply because i wanted too. Now im looking into things, putting it on youtube, and thinking up even more projects to do because i enjoyed peoples reaction to this short film i made. I hope you enjoy it, too! I'd say thats why i made it, to help people understand, and even on my own part, to interact with others that feel the same way i do, or have.