Introduction: WiFi Curtain

In this tutorial i will show you how to make WiFi controlled courtain. You can control curtains by using app on Android phone or buttons connected to your microcontroler. App source code you can find on my GITHUB. If you follow my instructions it easy to make and it should cost no more than 30 $.


It's easier if you have 3D printer but not nessesary if you figure it out for your own how to mount everything

Part list:

-Nodemcu -

- Stepstick ( I use A4988)

-LM2596 -

- 2 monostable buttons

-DC jack

- 2 limit switch

- Stepper motor Nema 17 42 x 42 x 34 eg.

- GT2 Belt 6mm (You need to measure your curtain rod. Buy 2 x length of the curtain rod + 1 meter for losses)

- Pulley with bearing i use 20 teeth 5 mm x 7mm

- Some jumper wires

- Rope (about half of length of your curtain rod)

-12V power supply (be sure it have enough power for your stepper motor)

- 2 x 8 2.54 male pin

- 3 x double 5mm screw pins

-PCB with my scheme.

If you have 3D printer 3D printed parts:

- Motor holder - wall and Belt tensioner - wall or Motor holder - curtain rod and Belt tensioner - curtain rod (if it fits to your curtain rod)

- Belt tensioner - bearing

- case

- case cover

You can download STL-s from here or my Thingiverse


Step 1: Electronics

1.Make PCB from scheme (You can download Eagle project from here)

2.If you have PCB you need to solder 5mm screw pins and 2.54 pins to it like on photo.

3.You need to solder cables to buttons, limit switches (probably you will need long cables) and LM2596. Pay attention that you need connect 12V (for stepper motor) and 3.3V (for Nodemcu) to your PCB.

4. Now connect Nodemcu to your computer, edit my sketch (change your WiFi SSID and PASSWORD) and upload it.

5. If you have everything prepeared you can connect everything like it on fritzing scheme.

6. Now you can push button and if motor starts to spin you can go to the next step.

Step 2: Mounting

1. Place every electronic parts in case and screw case cover with 3mm screw.

2. Place motor holder on right side of the window and belt tensioner on left side of the window.

3. Mount the belt and tie curtains to belt like it on photo.( i use zip ties).

4. Tie rope to limit switch and end of right curtain. Rope should pull limit switch when curtains is closed.

Step 3: Android APP

You can download app from here or go to my GITHUB where you can find app source code. In app you need to find your Nodemcu IP adress (you can check it in your router settings). Then you click CONNECT (if your IP adress is correct you should see green text "CONNECTED") Click "OPEN" to open curtains, click "CLOSE" to close curtains, click and hold "HOLD TO OPEN" your curtains will open as long as you hold this button, click and hold "HOLD TO CLOSE" for your curtains close as long as you hold this button.

Remember your phone need to be connect to the same WiFi as Nodemcu. You can find here all files to download. If you have any troubles or questions fell free to ask.