Introduction: Wii Zapper DIY Airsoft Mod
I wanted as close to a real pistol as possible with the wii zapper. The Nintendo one just doesn't cut it. I made this in one hour from a cheap airsoft gun i had laying around. The grip safety works and the trigger pushes the wiimotes trigger (b button).
I skinned Chung Dha's paper wii gun template ( with a glock skin making this the first ever barettaglockenspieler.
Disclaimer: All airsoft gun insides are different so this may not work for you or anyone.
I skinned Chung Dha's paper wii gun template ( with a glock skin making this the first ever barettaglockenspieler.
Disclaimer: All airsoft gun insides are different so this may not work for you or anyone.
Step 1: Take Apart Airsoft Gun
A lot of airsoft guns can be taken apart. This one was easily broken down. I can put it back together if I really want to later too!
Step 2: Make Extended Trigger Pulling Mechanism
This will be different for every gun. I just used some thick wire. I used a little 5-min epoxy to connect the wire to the trigger inside the gun.
Step 3: Print and Make Wiimote Cradle
For this airsoft gun i made a small rectangular piece as well that connects to the bottom of the other paper piece and wedges into the gun. I printed it on matte heavyweight paper. The thicker the better. (no image scaling) it has to print out 100% size or it won't fit over the wiimote.
Step 4: Play!
strap on a rubber band and your off!