Introduction: Wind Operated Rotary Photo Frame_ SIMPLE

About: It takes lot to be a creator and it take even more to reach all of you guys. I am an hobby stuff creator, life hacker and sometimes i do copy others;) Because good artist copy;)

Wind operated rotary photo frame can be placed on table And can be used as home decor. Guys this is my second project, Hopefully it came out well. If you like reading, then go on with it. If you wanna see a making video, Just check the video. I really appreciate that :)

Step 1: Materials Required

1. Popsicle Sticks

2. Glue gun

3. Little pieces of cardboard

4. Color photo prints

5. Scissor

6. Mini hacksaw

7. Scale

Step 2: Make an Hexagonal Frame

Cut the 2 pieces of cardboard in circle shapes. and mark 6 sides(60 degrees from each line).

Paste the Popsicle sticks on each line which creates 6 faces. interconnect those projected sticks at the end by sticking an another Popsicle stick(See the image). Make another set of frame as such, Hence now you have 2 independent frames.

Now interconnect those two frames by fixing a wooden tube between the center of the two frame(Shown in image).

Now you have a hexagonal shape frame.

Step 3: Making a Stand for the Frame

Trim out the Popsicle stick at the edge(circle shape) which holds the wooden tube.

Stick another pair of Popsicle sticks to the previously trimmed stick to the other side which makes the stand more strengthen(shown in image)

Make a four set of such identical sticks

Stick two number of made stick into one another another like a V, which makes it looks like a V shape(shown in image)

interconnect those two V shape frame by means of sticking another Popsicle sticks as shown in image.

Make sure that the bottom of the stand should be even so that it doesn't topple wen you rotate a hexagonal frame on it.

Step 4: Fixing Cardboard and Finishing the Hexa Frame

Cut the 6 pieces Cardboard, my size approximate 8cm X 11Cm and fix on the hexagonal frame as showing in image.

Sticks two numbers of Popsicle sticks at every edges(so that when you insert the picture, the photo edges ll be hided) of the frame as shown which makes the photo look landscape.

Step 5: Place the Hexagonal Frame on the Stand

Now place the hexagonal frame on the stand as shown.

Ensure when you rotate the hexagonal frame the frame should not topple and its stable.

Step 6: Insert the Picture and Its Ready to Roll

Now insert all 6 photo color prints in to the frame.

Now the Rotary photo frame is ready to roll.

This is my one of the early project and first post here. If you find any mistake, forgive me. Hope I wasn't so bad. And Sorry for my English.