Introduction: Windjiggler Icefishing Rig
The Windjiggler is a simple device made from a plactic bottle. Made with simple tools and a few simple supplies. It will have you catching more fish when the wind moves across the ice.
Plactis bottle or any springy plastic can be used. Marking pen. Cutter. Tape. Rubberband.
Step 1: Cut and Form Windjiggler
Draw a similar shape on plastic and cut shape out. Then bend and fold plastic into a similar wing configuration. Attach Windjiggler to rod with rubberband or tape. Rig line through eye slot.
Step 2: Fishing With the Windjiggler
Using a rodholder place the Windjiggler in the best position to catch the wind. Lower bait to desired depth. Just a lttle wind is needed to make your rod tip, bait or jighead move several inches. When the fish bites slip the line from the eye slot, set the hook and real in a big one.