Introduction: How to Make a Wire Bonsai Tree

I got an idea to make a wire Bonsai tree from Bobby Duke Arts. I made a more simple version that looks just as good. It is a simple, fun project and is a bonsai that never dies.


20 gauge wire
Air dry clay
Mod Podge
Blended modeling turf
Wire cutters
Round tip plyers
7inch bucket
12 inch bucket
Clay epoxy

Step 1: Wrapping the Wire

First your going to take your 12 inch bucket and you going to string the wire around it in circles. Afterwards your going to take the wire off the bucket, and cut it down the middle so you have long strands.

Step 2: Drilling for the Wires

First take a drill and drill many small holes into the center of the 7 inch bucket because that is where you are going to string the wires through. Then string the wires through each hole individually, one wire per hole.

Step 3: Making the Body and Branches

Next your going to twist the wire at it’s base near the bucket, so that when you twisting the branches it doesn’t come loose. First take out some wires for the first branch then keep twisting and building the branches upwards. Keep twisting the wire to build up the trunk of the tree and pulling of wires to make the branches.Then trim the top branches since the top branches are naturally shorter.

Step 4: Secure the Roots

Tie the roots and together with an elastic to prevent them from popping out and twisting the wire.

Step 5: Making the Smaller Branches

Make sure the base of the branch is tightly twisted. Then you want to section it off into 2 sections, then twist the smaller branches tightly so that later on they don’t come out. You want to be careful when twisting the 20 gauge wire because it could snap if too much pressure is put on it.

Step 6: Making the Leafys

Twist the wire away from you into a small loop. Then twist it away from you again but underneath it into another small loop. It is like making the loop then making a 180-270 turn right after it, so it’s a loop and a half. It will curve on its own so as you keep wrapping its gonna get more curvy. Each wire is a different bushel, then once all the bushels are done you just shove them together to make a bigger bushel on the ends of the small branches.

Step 7: Clay and Epoxy Base

Take some air dry clay an place it as a base on top of the pot. After it has dried mix the 2 part epoxy and roll it out and place it on top of the clay. Let it sit for 3-4 hours and it will be rock hard.

Step 8: Blended Turf

Once the epoxy is dry paint the mod podge onto the surface of the epoxy. Then put the blended turf onto the mod podge and press it down and let it dry. Make sure the turf completely covers the clay, epoxy, and mod podge.