Introduction: Wireless Calling / Door Bell
Hi guys. today we are going to make a wireless door or calling bell with a range of 300 meters in an open area compared to 50 meters of the commercial door bells that we commonly see in shops.
This project can be used as a doorbell or as a portable wireless calling bell where connecting calling switch with speaker through wires would be difficult.
I am showing the working principle on a breadboard , though you can assemble the connections suitably inside a casing to suit your needs .
Step 1: Collecting the Parts
Integrated Circuits (ICs)
- Timer 555 (NE555) x1
- HT12E (Encoder IC) x1
- HT12D (Decoder IC) x1
- 2N2222 x1
- 1M ohm x1
- 100k ohm x1
- 30k ohm x1
- 0.001uF / 10^4pF (written as 103 on the ceramic capacitor) / 10nF x2
- 10uF x1
- Leds x2
- 9v battery x2
- Jumper wires
- Single core wires
- Alligator wires x2
- 8 ohm Speaker x1
- Tactile push button x1
- Breadboards x2
Step 2: Making the Transmitter
Parts required for Transmitter
- 434MHZ Transmitter
- HT12E IC
- Tactile Push button
- 1M ohm resistor
- Breadboard
- Wires
Just follow the step-by-step pictures above after clicking 3 more images under the bottom right image.
The HT12E is an encoding ic which provides an interface between the transmitter module and the circuit. It has 4 data transfer pins which means it can transfer 4 bits of data.
It also has a 8 bit encryption feature which means you can use something like THIS on both the transmitter and receiver and only when both the switch configuration match the data will be accepted by the receiver. Connect one end of the dip switch to pins 1 to 8 of both ICs (HT12E and HT12D) and the other end to ground. Now no transmitter other than the one with the same switch configuration as the receiver can control the receiver.
Step 3: Making the Receiver
Just follow the sequence of step-by-step Pictures.
The HT12D is an decoding ic which provides an interface between the Receiver module and the circuit. It has 4 data transfer pins which means it can transfer 4 bits of data.
It also has a 8 bit encryption feature which means you can use something like THIS on both the transmitter and receiver and only when both the switch configuration match the data will be accepted by the receiver. Connect one end of the dip switch to pins 1 to 8 of both ICs (HT12E and HT12D) and the other end to ground. Now no transmitter other than the one with the same switch configuration as the receiver can control the receiver.
Step 4: Uploading the Code
- Download the arduino software.
- Download the Digispark attiny driver file above if you are going to use the digispark usb attiny microcontroller or you can just skip the installation process (steps 2, step 3 and step 4) of the drivers if you are going to use a nano.
- Now click Files>Preferences and then in the text field near the bottom beside the text additional boards manager copy and paste this link.
- Go to Tools>Boards>Boards Manager and type digistump and click and install the board.
- Download the speaker.ino file above and open it.
- Now just connect the board and click upload.(the right arrow)
Step 5: Finishing Up
Now all you Need to do is connect the Battery. Connect the battery as shown in the pictures to both the transmitter and receiver.
Step 6: Testing
You are done. Now press the button in the transmitter circuit and hear the buzzer beep.
If it is not beeping check the connections for a loose one and then check all the connections according to the pictures or you can just watch my video HERE to follow instructions easier.
You can even range test it.
Mine is :---meters.
Step 7: You Are Done!!
You can convert the breadboard project to a PCB to make it more compact and to prevent lose connections.
Step 8: Circuit Diagram for a Full Electronic Bell.
I made this first but
- Cheaper
- No coding
- Sucks too much power
- Circuit is too large.