Introduction: Wireless Power

About: I like to make all type of gadgets and weird scientific creations. I majored in EE in college so I understand something about electronics. I lack in the "professional looking" gadget maker department.
I will start with an apology because I do not have enough time to write up a proper Instructable.  This was mostly just a proof of concept build for me and I wanted to see how difficult it was.  It was actually very easy and hence you don't really need much more instruction than is provided.   I used just components I had laying around and so they didnt seem to be of huge importance with the exception of the 1000pF capacitor in the receiver circuit.  Having no Cap. at all in the receiver was better than having a cap of the incorrect value.  All in all just build the circuit as shown and it should work just fine.   

1. The schematic is hopefully legible for you and is written on my "white board"
2. The breadboard circuit as shown.
3. The 2 coils for comparative sizing.  The coils were not particularly tightly wound and I didn't take any special care when making them perfectly round or having a matched Q.
4. My scope showing th output of the 555 timer producing about 138khz.
5. Me holding the receiver circuit.  I did wrap it in electrical tape and added some hot glue just to keep it from deforming and unwinding itself.  I was able to use a few different LED's as the "load" including a white or blue LED.  I didn't try any other type of load.

Please try the schematic as shown and the coils as provided and hopefully it will work out well for you.  One last note the FET can become a bit hot without a heatsink so I usually only leave it plugged in for a few seconds before disconnecting it. Heat sinking or choosing an appropriately large driver could solve this problem.  Play with it and let me know what you find.