Introduction: Wireless Power Transmission Using a 9v Battery


Imagine a world without wired connection, were our phones, bulb, TV, refrigerator and all other electronics will be connected, charged and used wirelessly. Indeed that has been the desire of many, even the electrical electronic genius and inventor Nikola Tesla which contributed greatly to this field.
Presently the technology of wireless (power) transmission is still undergoing a lot of research but permit me to work you through this amazing, simple and practical power transmitter which you can use to wirelessly power a bulb.
It will be really important to understand the basics, ie how are things transmitted in the first place? Transmission (movement of wave from one point to the other) is basically due to a phenomenal called oscillation. Oscillation in simple teams is movement, but in this case is the to and fro movement of changes which in turn cause wave (electromagnetic) which has the capacity to move from one place to the other with the speed of light.
Meanwhile, let look at the various components that make up this system and possibly understand their functionality in the circuit. (Note: the circuit diagram is given below).
The 10k resistor and 105 monolithic capacitor basically controls the flow of the voltage and current in the circuit. The resistor biases the transistor. (Biasing means to control the flow of current, into the transistor). The BD243 transistor is used as a power amplifier, to amplify the power output. The coil in the circuit has two main functions namely, it's serve as the component that make up the LC truck ( LC - inductor, capacitor truck is the basic backbone of all oscillators) which generates the oscillation. The second use of the coil is as an antenna, once the primary coil (inductor) is used to make the LC truck, the secondary coil propagates the waves created through the air vie induction, which cause the wireless power transmission.


Materials used:
Coil: diameter= 3.5cm, height= 5.6cm, primary turn= 950, secondary turn= 4.
Capacitor: 150 monolithic
Resistor: 10k
Jumper wire
Transistor: BD243
Heat sink
Battery: 9v (but you can use 24v to create more arc)

Step 1: Step 1:

Get your materials ready; Coil: diameter= 3.5cm, height= 5.6cm, primary turn= 950, secondary turn= 4., Capacitor: 150 monolithicResistor: 10k, LED, Jumper wire Breadboard

Step 2:

make your coil using a plastic pipe a diameter of 3.5cm and a height of 5.6cm. wind the pipe using a 0.15mm copper coil wire up to 950 turns and then wind the coil with a 1mm copper coil wire to form the secondary coil

Step 3:

Screw your heatsink to theTransistor BD243

Step 4:

Place your on components on different positions on the bread board for easy connections

Step 5:

Following the schematic diagram, connect the base (terminal 1) of the transistor to the 10k resistor and the LED, then to the primary coil

Step 6:

Connect the collector( terminal 2)of the transistor and then to the positive (+) pole of the voltage source, NB the second terminal of the resistor is also connected to the positive (+) pole of the voltage source

Step 7:

Connect emitter (terminal 3) of the transistor, the second terminal of the LED, to the GND

Step 8:

your 150monolithic capacitor should be in parallel to the GND and the (+) voltage source, recheck connections to avoid errors

Step 9:

Connect your 9v battery terminal to the correct polarity of your circuit (+)( —)

Step 10:

Finally you are done, get out your florescent bulb and have fun with it .