Introduction: Important Notes:

Take note that you can replace the piston BUDs (block update detectors) with observers blocks (I made this video before observer blocks existed). Also take note that the longer the distance you are trying to achieve, the less chance of success because fire charges shoot out at slightly different angles each time. To maximize the chance of success use more piston BUDs or observer blocks on the receiving end or instead fire more fire charges.Take note that you can replace the piston BUDs (block update detectors) with observers blocks (I made this video before observer blocks existed). Also take note that the longer the distance you are trying to achieve, the less chance of success because fire charges shoot out at slightly different angles each time. To maximize the chance of success use more piston BUDs or observer blocks on the receiving end or instead fire more fire charges.

Step 1: The Materials


  • 6 redstone torches
  • 10 redstone dust
  • 1 repeater
  • 5 sticky pistons
  • 64 blocks of your choice

Step 2: The Procedure

This shows how to make a wireless connection using fire charges in Minecraft. If you decide to replace the piston BUDs with observers, make sure for every fire charge hit there is an output charge, so it mimics the original functional circuit.