Introduction: Wireless Robot V2 (Support WiFi & Bluetooth)

About: Electrical Engineer

Step 1: Car Structure

I get The motors ,gear box and tires from two broken car kids toys from Scrap market nearby , they cost me about 10$ and I connect them using din rail and plastic as shown in the pictures.

Step 2: Connection Digram

Using the Serial pins of ATMEGA16 MCU is The Concept of this circuit and it consist from :

1- H-Bridge Motor driver using two L298.
2- Atmega16 MCU.
3- LEDs Driver using ULN2003.
4- Serial Bluetooth Module.
5- Serial-To-Ethernet converter.
6- WiFi Wireless access point.
7- Easy N surveillance IP cam.
8- 12 Volt battery with 7809 & 7805 voltage regulator  for router and IP cam .
9- 6 Volt Battery for motors. 

Step 3: H-Bridge Circuits

two L298 dual H-bridge driver connected as shown in the pictures .
the motors working on 6 volt with 2.4 Amp. maximum current for each.
L298 Data sheet attached.


Step 4: LED Driver

ULN2003 Darlington transistor arrays is a fast solution  and provide 7 output.
The circuit shown in attached picture.
Datasheet attached.

Step 5: Controller Circuit

The source code debugged by ATMEL AVR studio 4 with AVR MKII ISP .
The Scenario of the code depending on:
1-Enabling the RX/TX of ATMEGA16 MCU.
2-Sending the ASCII code from  the PC or Tablet .
3-Translate the ASCII code by the MCU  to a specific output in port A and port C.

The fuse bit  for 16 Mhz external frequency resonator  should be set to :High: 0xC9 , Low: 0xFF as shown in the attached picture. 


ATmega16  16MHz external frequency resonator
Baud Rate 9600 No Parity,1 Stop Bit,Flow Control:None

#include <avr/io.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <util/delay.h>

void USARTInit(uint16_t ubrr_value)

   //Set Baud rate
   UBRRL = ubrr_value;     
   UBRRH = (ubrr_value>>8);

   UCSRC=(1<<URSEL)|(3<<UCSZ0);   // Set Asynchronous mode,No Parity ,1 StopBit 
   UCSRB=(1<<RXEN)|(1<<TXEN);     //Enable The receiver and transmitter


char USARTReadChar()
while(!(UCSRA & (1<<RXC)))
   // do nothing
return UDR;

void USARTWriteChar(char data)
while(!(UCSRA & (1<<UDRE)))
  //do nothing

void main()
char data;
USARTInit(103);  //for 16Mhz and baud 9600 UBRR = 103 and for  baud 19200 UBRR = 51 

if (data==0x71){PORTC=0b10000000;USARTWriteChar('Q');} //q in ascii
if (data==0x77){PORTC=0b00001001;USARTWriteChar('w');} //w in ascii Forward
if (data==0x65){PORTC=0b01000000;USARTWriteChar('e');} //e in ascii
if (data==0x61){PORTC=0b00000011;USARTWriteChar('A');} //a in ascii Left
if (data==0x73){PORTC=0b00000000;USARTWriteChar('s');} //s in ascii Stop
if (data==0x64){PORTC=0b00001100;USARTWriteChar('d');} //d in ascii Right
if (data==0x7A){PORTC=0b00100000;USARTWriteChar('z');} //z in ascii
if (data==0x78){PORTC=0b10000110;USARTWriteChar('x');} //x in ascii Backward
if (data==0x99){PORTC=0b11110000;USARTWriteChar('c');} //c in ascii

if (data==0x69){PORTC=0b00001001;_delay_ms(200);PORTC=0b00000000;} //i in ascii Forward
if (data==0x6A){PORTC=0b00000011;_delay_ms(200);PORTC=0b00000000;} //j in ascii Left
if (data==0x6C){PORTC=0b00001100;_delay_ms(200);PORTC=0b00000000;} //l in ascii Right
if (data==0x6B){PORTC=0b00000110;_delay_ms(200);PORTC=0b00000000;} //k in ascii Back

if (data==0x31){PORTA=0b00000001;USARTWriteChar('1');} //1 in ascii //2 LED On
if (data==0x32){PORTA=0b00000010;USARTWriteChar('2');} //2 in ascii //4 LED on
if (data==0x33){PORTA=0b00000111;USARTWriteChar('3');} //3 in ascii //6 LED on
if (data==0x34){PORTA=0b00001000;USARTWriteChar('4');} //4 in ascii //Red LED on
if (data==0x35){PORTA=0b00010000;USARTWriteChar('5');} //5 in ascii
if (data==0x36){PORTA=0b00100000;USARTWriteChar('6');} //6 in ascii
if (data==0x37){PORTA=0b01000000;USARTWriteChar('7');} //7 in ascii
if (data==0x38){PORTA=0b10000000;USARTWriteChar('8');} //8 in ascii
if (data==0x39){PORTA=0b00000000;USARTWriteChar('9');} //9 in ascii //All Off 
   else {}

Step 6: Serial to Ethernet Converter

I get the module from below website :

VDD to 5 Volt.
GND to negative.
RX to TX of ATmega16.
TX to RX of Atmega16.
CFG :Normal Mode when connected to positive , Configuration mode when connected to negative.

Also RS232 to TTL module required  to configure this module .

You can download all the documents from the mentioned website.

For this Project I configure the setting for the converter  as below:
Work Mode   : TCP/IP clinet.
Module IP     : 
Subnet Mask:
Default gateway :  (Access point IP).
Parity/data/stop  :None /8/1
Destination IP    :  (Laptop IP).
Destination Port: 8234.
Baud Rate    : 9600

Step 7: Com-Redirector Software

Com-Redirector software used to create Virtual com in the Laptop because there is no direct physical connection to the laptop ,you can also use virtual serial ports emulator software from

Putty or hyper terminal software can be used to send information through this virtual serial port.
please watch the video for more information .

Step 8: Serial Bluetooth Module

I get the Slave Mode Serial Bluetooth module from below web site(all document included):
Pass Key:1234

About the software you can download android Bluetooth Controller  software from android market ,its amazing software and easy to use.

Step 9: Switch Selector

in the end I connect a selector switch  to select the wireless  mode (WiFi or Bluetooth).