Introduction: Wood Burned Sunflower Earrings

About: I am 17 years old, and I love adventure, craft, cooking, baking, sewing, basically anything hands-on and artsy! I even have used my talents to start a small family business. If you have any ideas for me, feel …

Have you ever wanted to wood burn, but you just don't know how? Well here's where you start! Once you are finished with this instructable, you will have a beautiful set of sunflower earrings!


  • Wood burner
  • Two earring pendants
  • Pliers
  • Four jump rings
  • Two ear wires
  • Two earring backs
  • An oven pan

Step 1: Drawing the Round Line

To start your earrings, draw a rounded line at the bottom of the pendant. The edge of the wood and the drawn line together should look like the shape of an eye.

Step 2: Drawing the First Row of Petals

Next, draw your first row of petals, starting in the middle, then over to the edges.

Step 3: Drawing the Second Row of Petals

Now, draw the second row of petals, making them a little smaller than the first row of petals.

Step 4: Drawing Detail on the Petals

Once all the outlines of the petals are finished, draw a line down the middle of each petal.

Step 5: Wood Burning the Round Line

Before you start wood burning, check the tip that you have on your wood burner. Make sure it has a tip like a pencil, or like the one that I have in the first picture above. Set the temperature to 6 or 7, or if yours is not like mine, turn it about two thirds of the way up. Just like using a pencil, gently glide the wood burner tip across the rounded pencil line on the bottom of the pendant. If you have to push hard on the wood pendant for the burn to show up, then you will need to turn the temperature of the wood burner up. DO NOT TOUCH THE TIP OF THE WOOD BURNER!

Step 6: Wood Burning the First Row of Petals

Over the pencil line, wood burn the first row of petals right above the wood burnt round line.

Step 7: Wood Burning the Second Row of Petals

Now, wood burn over the second row of petals that was drawn on the wood.

Step 8: Wood Burning the Details of the Petals

Once you have finished wood burning the shape of the petals, burn the line down the middle of each petal, giving it detail.

Step 9: Switching the Type of Wood Burning Tip

Now that all the details of the petals are finished, switch your wood burning tip to one like mine in the picture above. MAKE SURE TO LET IT COOL FIRST! If you don't have a similar tip, just use the pencil-like tip.

Step 10: Wood Burning the Seeds of the Sunflower

In a neat pattern, fill the empty space underneath the flower petals with wood burned dots.

Step 11: Attaching the Jump Rings

Next, bend open four jump rings, two for each pendant. Make sure they are large enough to fit around the width of the wood pendant.

Step 12: Adding the Ear Wires

After both jump rings have been opened, place one ring through the pendant hole and pinch it shut with your pliers. Take the other jump ring, put it through the first jump ring and the ear wire then pinch it shut with the pliers. Put the earring backs on the ear wires. Repeat Steps 11 and 12 on the second earring.

Step 13: Enjoying Your Creation

Now that you have finished your earrings, enjoy wearing your new earrings or give them as a gift! Hope you enjoy!!

Thanks for viewing my instructable!