Introduction: Wood Log Side Table With Wireless Charger

About: Hello my name is Bob and I like to make things.

In this instructable I show you how I made a wood log side table with build in wireless phone charger.

Step 1: Check Out My Quick Video Tutorial!

I hope this video will help you create a wood log side table, or at least give you some inspiration for your own project. Along with the video you can follow the steps below :-)

Video Link

Step 2: Prepare the Log

  • First pick a log of the right size
  • Then remove the bark and leave the log a few weeks/months to dry (you can also first dry the log and then remove the bark).
  • Flatten the top and bottom of the log so it is straight and not wobbly

Step 3: Slice the Top

Then remove a very thin slice of the top of the log.
The thinner you can slice it the less you have to sand it later.

Step 4: Fit the Wireless Charger

Now while the top is sliced of, the "lid" of our log. we can install a wireless charger.

I used a cheap charger from amazon.

I am using this charger now for a while and I am quite happy with it.

  • First center the charger. When it's in the right place, mark it so you know where to hollow out the wood.
  • Then make room for the charger, I used a chisel, but if you have something like a router it would even be more easy.
  • Fit the charger
  • Drill a hole from top to bottom to guide the charger cable to the bottom of the log.
  • Install the charger with cable and test if it's (still) working before glueing the top back on ;-)

Step 5: Prepare and Put Back the Top Slice

  • Get the top part and sand it down as thin as possible.
    I kept that piece of wood wet all the time to prevent it from cracking.
  • When you think the top piece is thin enough you can test it on the charger and see if your phone is charging.
    If this is the case, we can glue back on the lid. I used some normal wood glue and some clamps.

Step 6: Sanding

Sand the whole log so it will look neat

Step 7: Coat

To finish the wood log I gave it a few layers of wood coating.

Step 8: Done

That's it ; a wood log side table that can charge the phone wireless.
Without messy cables or charging pads laying around.

Thank you for having a look at my instructable ;-)

Please also check out my youtube channel