Introduction: Wood Box

Before you create a table cleanup case
Made this for design verification.

What is needed is as follows.


1. PC

2. 2030 DIY CNC

3. 3 diameter flat endmill




3. MACH3


1. 19mm spruce wood.

Step 1: Step1 : ​Create Drawings Using AutoCAD.

Create drawings using AutoCAD.

For 2D drawing, you can draw the thinking part of the quarried.

Line, circle, fillet command was used.

For more information, see the video.

Step 2: Step2 : ​Using Master Cam, Autocad Files Is Converted Into G-code.

Using Master Cam

Autocad files is converted into G-code.

Pocket, configuration command was used.

When you use a pocket command, be careful in depth to be machined.

For more information, see the video

Step 3: Step3 : ​Mach 3 Is Used to Process Wood Plates.

Mach 3 is used to process wood plates.

First of all, clamping the wood plate on the machine.

Open the file in the program.

The end mill is located at the origin of the plate.

Press the start button to activate the machine.

For more information, see the video.