Introduction: Wooden Bench Under $50
· Two 1”x8” x 6ft
· Two 2”x3” x 8ft
· Three 1”x4” x 6ft
· 50 2” finishing nails
· 28 2” wood screws
· Wood glue
· Sanding block
Tools Needed:
- Power drill
- A saw (circular or miter work best)
Step 1: Cutting the Lumber
Complete the following steps to cut the lumber. Ensure each piece
is properly measured prior to cutting.
Note: A few pieces of unused lumber will be leftover; keep the 2-inch x 3-inch piece that is roughly 9-inches long as it will be used in a later step.
The 2-inch x 3-inch x 8-foot Boards
1. Cut the first 8-foot board to 64.5 inches.
2. From the remaining piece, cut two 9-inch boards.
3. From the second 8-foot board, cut four 17.25-inch boards.
The 1-inch x 4-inch x 6-foot Boards
1. Cut the first board into five 12-inch boards.
2. Cut the remaining two boards to 70 inches each.
The 1-inch x 8-inch x 6-foot Boards
1. Do not cut the two 1-inch x 4-inch x 6-foot boards
You can sand the boards directly after this step, or in the last step (finishing touches) as I did when assembling the bench.
Step 2: Building the Frame
1. Take the seven 1-in”x 4-in” pieces to make the frame of the bench.
2. Take the two 70” boards and two of the 12” boards to make a rectangle.
3. Use the wood glue and two finishing nails per connection point to connect the boards to each other.
4. Evenly space the remaining three 12” boards between the two 70” boards to reinforce the frame.
5. Use the wood glue and two finishing nails to connect the boards to each other.
Step 3: Assembling the Bench Seat
1. Lay the frame flat on the ground and put wood glue on all the top surfaces of the wood.
2. Take the two 1-in”x 8-in” boards and place them evenly on the frame that the glue has been applied to.
3. The boards should have a 1” overhang on the ends of the frame, and about ½” overhang on either side.
4. Once you are satisfied with the boards being evenly set on top of the boards, pound two finishing nails per contact point with the top boards. This should result in 10 finishing nails per top board (one nail per 12” and one nail into the 70” board where the 12” board connects).
Step 4: Installing the Legs
1. Flip the frame over so that the underside is facing up.
2. Take the four 17 ¼” 2-in”x 3-in” boards and put one in each corner.
3. Test the 4 legs for evenness so that any wobble will be minimized when the bench is completed.
4. Use wood screws (two per side of leg, 4 per leg) to secure each of the legs to the frame (drill screws from the outside of the frame inward).
Step 5: Installing Leg Supports
1. Take the two 9” 2-in”x 3-in” boards and stack them between the two legs on one end.
2. Take four wood screws (two per end) and secure the top board as a support between the two legs.
3. Push out the bottom 9” board and do the same thing on the other end (this time utilizing the extra 2-in”x 3-in” 9” board to act as the space underneath the support board.
4. Now take the 64 ½” board and attach it the two 9” boards you just secured between the legs, again using the extra 9” 2-in”x 3-in” board as a spacer. (Make sure to center this board).
Step 6: Finishing Touches
1. Sand the bench to your desired smoothness using the sanding block
2. Depending on the intended use of the bench (indoor/outdoor) you can use a stain to change the appearance or help protect the wood from the elements.