Introduction: Wooden Log Picture Frame
this is my first instructable so i hope u like it
Step 1: Materials
You will need
- A 20in wooden log
- Gorrila wood glue
- cardboard
- white paper
- 3/8 in wooden dowel
- 3 bolts, nuts, and washers
- plastic sheet
- A drill
- 3/8 in size drill bit
- A jig saw
- mallet
- clear tape
Step 2: Cut the Wood
now make 5in marks down your log and cut at each mark
Step 3: Drilling the Holes
now drill holes with the 3/8 drill bit in the selected pasitions in the picture
Step 4: Dowels
cut four 1 1/2 in pieces out of the wooden dowel
Step 5: Connect the Logs
now take the pieses of the dowl u cut out earlier and place them in the selcted hole. but first take the Gorrila wood glue and fill the hole up to the top. now pound the dowels in half way
Step 6: The Back Round
now take the cardboard and paper and make somthing like this in the picture
now take the plastic sheet and tape it to the side with the paper on it but dont tape 1 side (where the picture will slide in)
Step 7: Backround Holder
drill 3 holes in these spots then fill with wood glue then place your screw in them
once dry slide the washers and bolts on
once dry slide the washers and bolts on
Step 8: The Hooks
drill small holes then put the
Step 9: Fiished
now slide the backround in and secure it with the bolts