Introduction: Working Reflex Dot Sight
This is my home made reflex sight. It took 2 days to complete using simple household items. The concept is very simple and can produce some good results if your patient. I used, 1 LED, a switch, batteries, clear plastic, cardboard, duct tape and some wire. It can be mounted onto any knex or airsoft gun although I don't recomend shooting with a knex gun as this is very fragile.
Heres a link to my knex gun shown in the pics.
By the way the camera makes the dot look bad so dont comment about thet and it looks way better if you actualy see it.
Take a look at the pictures and tell me what you think and dont forget to subscribe, rate and comment. I may be making another sight soon and if so i will make some instructions on how this works.
I am also in the process of making a new sight so i need some suggestions on what type of sight to make.
Heres a link to my knex gun shown in the pics.
By the way the camera makes the dot look bad so dont comment about thet and it looks way better if you actualy see it.
Take a look at the pictures and tell me what you think and dont forget to subscribe, rate and comment. I may be making another sight soon and if so i will make some instructions on how this works.
I am also in the process of making a new sight so i need some suggestions on what type of sight to make.