Introduction: World Map Table Top (Lift Up Lid)
In this Instructbles build, I will show how I built the table, the table storage
and the world map on top.
I am entering this into the 'Make it Move' contest.
The movement being in the hinged, lift up lid.
My boys are home schooled, so I have slowly been turning our outdoor room
into a comfortable and practical school room.
Step 1:
If you wanted to see how I made the 'Booth Seating area'.
Then you can check that video out here ▲
Step 2:
First up we need to create a solid frame.
I attached a length of 70x35mm timber either side.
Step 3:
And made sure they were level.
Step 4:
Before attaching those pieces I pre-drilled pocket holes
so the screws can be hidden from the front face.
Step 5:
I ran the lengths of 70 x 35 through the thickness planer
to remove the fine edges from the visible faces.
Step 6:
And stained them before attaching.
Step 7:
Now to cover in the underside of the table.
I pre-cut and drilled all my lengths before climbing in underneath.
Step 8:
The more I attached the more boxed in and cramped I was getting under there.
I am glad I am not claustrophobic, because I got stuck and needed to do some
wiggling and readjusting to get back out of there.
Step 9:
For the hinge up lid I first attached three hinges between two of the pre-cut palings.
Step 10:
I laid the rest of the palings in place,
then cut all those to length.
Step 11:
I ripped some palings down the center
to create the supports for the underside of the table-top.
Step 12:
Laid them on top to mark the holes and my overall length.
Pre-drilled and chamfered.
Step 13:
Then attached them to the underside of the table top.
Step 14:
For the map. I first measured the length of the table,
worked out how many sheets of A4 paper would fit and in what orientation.
Step 15:
Then took a basic map from google images into Photoshop
and stretched it out over 9 sheets of paper.
Step 16:
Printed it out, taped it together
and taped it to the bench.
Step 17:
Grab a strong pencil, one that is not going to keep breaking under pressure
and start tracing back and forth over the lines.
Step 18:
This will leave a slight indentation on the tabletop.
Step 19:
Instead of using the "Indentation method".
You might prefer the "carbon paper method" I used in this video ▲
Step 20:
Then I very gently paint in the grooves with dark brown acrylic paint.
Step 21:
I use cheap acrylic paint mixed with a drying retardant
so I could leave the paint out all day without it drying out.
Step 22:
Added the finishing touches of the bench
and it is done.
Step 23:
If you are interested in these kinds of builds.
Then I would love to have you join me over on YouTube ♥