Introduction: LED Light Bulb (World's Best) - Part 2
Light bulb using 230V AC Mains, made using wire connector & no soldering ! (Instructions for 110VAC also hinted below.)
See this link for the earlier version and for step by step guide:
Step 1: Components:
1) 6 or 9 leds - colour of your choice
2) 1k ohm, 1 watt resistor
3) capacitor - 0.22 uF, 400 volt for 230 V AC Mains or 0.47 uF, 250 volts for 110V AC Mains
4) Wire connector
5) Insulation Tape
6) Screw driver
7) 1N 4007 Diodes - four pieces to make a diode bridge
See the pic of the components.
Step 2: Assemble for the Final Results !!!
1. Connect 3 leds in series (plus of one to negative of the other led) so that you are left with one positive leg and one negative leg for this assembly.
2. make 3 such pairs, or two if you wish, so that you either have nine lights or six, as per the wish.
Note: It looks simple but ensure that there is no error in connecting.
3. Join the three sets of positive legs of these pairs to the wire connector. All 3 negatives go to the other side of the wire connector.
4. Now for the bottom portion of the wire connector:
- connect the diode bridge positive to the positive of the led & likewise for the negative.
Note: Be careful in properly assembling the diode bridge. (As per link provided in Components or Acknowledgments)
5. Connect the AC ends of the diode bridge to a resistor & capacitor. It doesnt matter, which side since it is AC part.
6. Connect the loose ends of the resistor & capacitor to the bulb base.
7. Done ! And all this WITHOUT SOLDERING ! ;-D
Step 3: Acknowledgments:
Step 4: Future Projects:
Ideas for you !
1. Light Sensor version
2. Motion Sensor version
3. Both Light & motion sensors
4. Solar Panel as light source
Tip 1:
U can use this simple wire connector concept even for ur 6V & 9V projects and avoid soldering (allergy)!
Now you can always make a project instead of just reading them!
Tip 2:
Why are these "world's best" ?? Coz i used a single capacitor and single resistor and you can put 200 leds on it if you want!
Funny how no one disclosed it to you earlier! ;-DD
Tip 3:
They last a lifetime. I am using mine (and few frndz too at their place) since few years with 8-12 hrs of use per day. Only 3 are in series. Then the triplets are in parallel. So only 3 will fuse out, if one LED goes bad. Out of the 3, isolate & find out which one is bad and simply replace!! Decades of good lighting!
Tip 4:
You can encase the project in a pet bottle to avoid moths, insects, lizards. (I have intentionally not done so to check if it shorts, but its working fine).