Introduction: LED Light Bulb (World's Best) - Part 2

About: "May the good belong to all the people in the world. May the rulers go by the path of justice. May the best of men and their source always prove to be a blessing. May all the world rejoice in happiness. M…

Light bulb using 230V AC Mains, made using wire connector & no soldering ! (Instructions for 110VAC also hinted below.)

See this link for the earlier version and for step by step guide:

Step 1: Components:

1) 6 or 9 leds - colour of your choice
2) 1k ohm, 1 watt resistor
3) capacitor - 0.22 uF, 400 volt for 230 V AC Mains or 0.47 uF, 250 volts for 110V AC Mains
4) Wire connector
5) Insulation Tape
6) Screw driver
7) 1N 4007 Diodes - four pieces to make a diode bridge

See the pic of the components.

Step 2: Assemble for the Final Results !!!

1. Connect 3 leds in series (plus of one to negative of the other led) so that you are left with one positive leg and one negative leg for this assembly.

2. make 3 such pairs, or two if you wish, so that you either have nine lights or six, as per the wish.

Note: It looks simple but ensure that there is no error in connecting.

3. Join the three sets of positive legs of these pairs to the wire connector. All 3 negatives go to the other side of the wire connector.

4. Now for the bottom portion of the wire connector:
- connect the diode bridge positive to the positive of the led & likewise for the negative.

Note: Be careful in properly assembling the diode bridge. (As per link provided in Components or Acknowledgments)

5. Connect the AC ends of the diode bridge to a resistor & capacitor. It doesnt matter, which side since it is AC part.

6. Connect the loose ends of the resistor & capacitor to the bulb base.

7. Done ! And all this WITHOUT SOLDERING ! ;-D

Step 3: Acknowledgments:

Acknowledgments to:




for their I'bles & ideas !

Dont forget to vote, rate, post pics & comment !


Step 4: Future Projects:

Ideas for you !

1. Light Sensor version
2. Motion Sensor version
3. Both Light & motion sensors
4. Solar Panel as light source

Tip 1:

U can use this simple wire connector concept even for ur 6V & 9V projects and avoid soldering (allergy)!
Now you can always make a project instead of just reading them!

Tip 2:

Why are these "world's best" ?? Coz i used a single capacitor and single resistor and you can put 200 leds on it if you want!
Funny how no one disclosed it to you earlier! ;-DD

Tip 3:

They last a lifetime. I am using mine (and few frndz too at their place) since few years with 8-12 hrs of use per day. Only 3 are in series. Then the triplets are in parallel. So only 3 will fuse out, if one LED goes bad. Out of the 3, isolate & find out which one is bad and simply replace!! Decades of good lighting!

Tip 4:

You can encase the project in a pet bottle to avoid moths, insects, lizards. (I have intentionally not done so to check if it shorts, but its working fine).

Step 5: My Other Videos: