Introduction: Worldwide Yule Log: Handmade Mobile App
Instructions for making your Worldwide Yule Log: Mobile App using the Drillteam Holiday Card.
(Not on our list? Drop us a line at and we'll send you one.)
The World Wide Yule Log began shedding its LED glow of goodwill in November 2008.
In the midst of a spreading economic crisis Drillteam contemplated how to share at least a modicum of holiday cheer with friends, colleagues and clients. It struck us that what the world needed was a new tradition to warm itself by.
So we set-up a cardboard hearth in a corner of the office, hacked an LED sign and set-up a webcam to create a feedback loop of friendship for all to join. Our DIY, social media-ish, taking-the-piss-out-of-Twitter way of honoring the spirit of hometown TV station WPIX's former holiday tradition.
For 2009 we wanted to put a World Wide Yule Log on everyone's actual desk in addition to their "desktop." And raise some money for the important multi-problem solving work of the Darfur Stoves Project. Our way of re-focusing our DIY, social media-ish, taking-the-piss-out-of on the Mobile App Revolution. We hope it brings you a smile. Be careful with those scissors!
(Not on our list? Drop us a line at and we'll send you one.)
The World Wide Yule Log began shedding its LED glow of goodwill in November 2008.
In the midst of a spreading economic crisis Drillteam contemplated how to share at least a modicum of holiday cheer with friends, colleagues and clients. It struck us that what the world needed was a new tradition to warm itself by.
So we set-up a cardboard hearth in a corner of the office, hacked an LED sign and set-up a webcam to create a feedback loop of friendship for all to join. Our DIY, social media-ish, taking-the-piss-out-of-Twitter way of honoring the spirit of hometown TV station WPIX's former holiday tradition.
For 2009 we wanted to put a World Wide Yule Log on everyone's actual desk in addition to their "desktop." And raise some money for the important multi-problem solving work of the Darfur Stoves Project. Our way of re-focusing our DIY, social media-ish, taking-the-piss-out-of on the Mobile App Revolution. We hope it brings you a smile. Be careful with those scissors!
Step 1:
With card closed cut "A" lines.
Step 2:
Open card, continue cutting "A1" lines along sides of fireplace
Step 3:
Cut "B" line to make hearth opening
Step 4:
Fold "C" lines so fireplace sides are perpendicular to card
Step 5:
Bring "D" line up parallel with "E" line to form mantel
Step 6:
Roll-fold "E" flap onto itself to form triangle
Step 7:
Apply tape to hold triangle closed
Step 8:
Slide mobile device into World Wide Yule Log with screen facing through hearth.
Point mobile browser to
Point mobile browser to
Step 9:
Bask in glow of good will.