Introduction: Xbox 360 Decepticonsole

About: I am an artist that works in many mediums of art from costumes, armor, props, painting, drawing, sculpting, modifications and digital art. My work typically involves Steam Punk, gothic, surrealism, Renaissanc…
Here is my Xbox 360 that I modded with the Decepticon symbol.  I used a printed stencil, X-acto knife and Dremel drill to cut out the image into four pieces, which were then sanded and all painted.  I used a hammered gun metal spray paint by Krylon for plastics to paint the main body and pieces and a brushed silver spray paint for the vents and HD (which matched my silver controller perfectly :) ).   I then installed plexi glass and glued the pieces back on accordingly.  As for the lights, I replaced the original green LEDs on the power button with purple ones and Installed a 6 LED lighting system powered using an adapter on the disk drive plug.  The lighting is set on purple but has 7 different color options and lighting options all remote controlled.  Total expense on this project was about $35 in parts and paint but bear in mind I did have the tools needed for this project already.