Introduction: Xylophone Robot

About: I'm IT who loves to thinker around with electronic, computers, RC models and Robotic.

This is simple 3Dp beginner project for every one that has access to 3D printer.
Additional what you need is:

  • 2x servo
  • Arduino/Raspberry Pi or any other programmable platform to control servo
  • xylophone or similar instrument (you can also improvise ;) )

Step 1: Base

Grab files from

If you have Servo "hex tronik hx12k" or other same dimensions you can directly print
file "hex_tronik_hx12k.stl"

For other servos insert your dimensions in to servo1.scad andgenerate stl file using OpenScad

Step 2: Top Servo

If you have Servo "hex tronik hx12k" or other same dimensions you can directly print file "hex_tronik_hx12k_servo_top.stl"

For other servos insert your dimensions in to "servo2.scad" and generate stl file using OpenScad

Step 3: Assemble

All printed?

Now you only need 8 screws to screw the top and bottom servo,
and press fit the top servo to bottom servos servo horn.

To reduce stress to the servo, the "drumstick" is held only by rubber

If your base is to light drill some hole and glue in some heavy material
or use some tape.


Step 4: Connect to Your Platform and Have Fun

Connect servos to programmable platform of you choice and program a song that you like.


Raspberry Pi

Here a simple Arduino test - full octave and short Slovenian folklore song "Čuk se je oženil"

Robotics Contest 2016

Participated in the
Robotics Contest 2016

3D Printing Contest 2016

Participated in the
3D Printing Contest 2016

Make it Move Contest 2016

Participated in the
Make it Move Contest 2016